Petr Šugar
Front-end tech lead
About Me

Software engineer and architect with over 8 years of experience in product development and in agile distributed teams. Experienced in leadership and mentoring roles.

I'm a team player, extrovert with a need to have an impact. I enjoy presenting and reasoning as well as listening and learning.
Phone+420 777052320


C# .NET (Back-end)

Java (Back-end)

Kotlin/Java, Android SDK


SCRUM methodology

TypeScript (JavaScript)


Webview, DOM




  • UENI ltd.
    Lead Front-end engineer
    UENI is a London based company with a distributed team. I joined the company at times of CTO change when the startup was transforming after 3 years of existence. I was proposing and leading most of the front-end related changes.
    • €27.3M funded, up to 15K new registrations a day
    • FE team size 4 - 8 (mostly remote)
    • several markets and localizations
    • UENI participates in Facebook accelerator
    • responsible for Front-end architecture, workflows, processes etc.
    • converted solution from monolith to micro front-ends using git submodules and later monorepo
    • introduced TypeScript and taught the team statically typed language
    • React, Redux, MobX, Material UI, PWA, Jira, git
    • custom server side rendering using Node
    • runtime videos: UENI desktop, UENI mobile, UENI CMS
  • Telia Norway, Tieto czech s.r.o.
    Senior software developer (Android)
    • telco customer with core team in Oslo
    • collaborated on an end-user Android application to manage subscription
    • RxJava 2, Dagger 2, Retrofit, Realm database
    • introduced Kotlin to the Java 8 codebase
    2018-2018 (10 months)
  • MyMeetings, Tieto czech s.r.o.
    Software developer
    Tieto corporation is a leading nordic provider of IT services. We turned from originally small delivery of Outlook Add-in into a startup inside a corporation with its own budget, several installations for corporate clients and around 30K licensed users. It was a family of applications to help with meetings and meeting rooms.
    • leading front-end and client applications development
    • organizing the team using SCRUM
    • team size 4 - 8
    • remote team members in Lithuania
    • pre-sales presenting
    • partial product and brand management

    Mobile application

    • hybrid cordova based solution
    • corporation security audits
    • JS, Sencha ExtJS, Android Java, iOS Swift
    • iOS app runtime video

    Web application

    • forked originally mobile framework (Sencha Touch) to support desktop
    • limited version available as Outlook and Gmail Add-in
    • Web app video

    Panel application

    • Hybrid WebView based
    • built for Android using Cordova
    • built for Windows using Electron
    • integration of LED lights, RFID reader, NFC reader
    • remote control and management
    • Show cases video

    Android Panel application

    • rewritten native panel to support low-end industrial tablets
    • Clean architecture (Domain driven design) with MVP in Presentation layer
    • Java, Kotlin, Dagger 2, Retrofit, OkHttp, RxJava (RxKotlin)
  • Sense of Code s.r.o.

    The startup in the Tieto corporation was shut down while we had a big customer interested in the solution. With all the knowledge we set up a company and rewrote the solution.

    • switched from 'on premise' to cloud service
    • PostgreSQL with .NET Core running in Azure
    • reuse of Android Kotlin code by using KotlinJS
    • new UI layers written in React while controlled by Presenters (MVP)
    • Panel application, Outlook Add-in
  • Tieto czech s.r.o.
    Software architect

    Supervising development of a basic CMS for managing physical mails by receptionists.

    • analyzing business requirements and the domain
    • Java, MySQL, Hibernate and Spring to expose Rest API
    • ReactJS and Redux
    • team of juniors and students
    2017-2017 (6 months)
  • Geoblog
    Master thesis project

    For around 3 years I was following my idea of a unique social network. It was organizing posts in a spatial context (map) rather than timeline and was focusing on travellers.

    • .NET, nHibernate, REST API, PostgreSQL
    • JS, Sencha Touch, MVC, Leaflet
    • Hybrid app based on Cordova
    • App Store, Google Play, hosted SPA
    • runtime videos: iOS and Android, Web
  • Tieto czech s.r.o.
    Software developer (intern)
    Development of internal a productivity tool that helps to find a free meeting room.
    • fullstack role
    • integration Exchange Web API
    • C# .NET, SOAP API
    • Sharp architecture (DDD), IoC, DI
    • TypeScript, jQuery, SPA, custom MVC framework
  • Bachelor thesis project
    System for geological pavilion

    For existing database of geological samples I developed two client applications. Apps were used by employees of geological pavilion.

    • .NET Desktop thick forms based client for managing database
    • public map based SPA for lookups
    • C#, PostgreSQL
    • JS, ExtJS, OpenStreetMap, PHP
  • Freelancing
    HTML and CSS coder
    • templates for CMS
    • HTML, CSS
    • jQuery


  • VSB Technical University of Ostrava
    MS in Geoinformatics
    In short the education was focusing on spatial data and information, maps, navigation, statistics, algorithms etc.
    • General engineering
    • Information systems
    • Statistics (spatial)
    • Modelling of data, objects, phenomena
    • OOP
    • Databases and programming